Over the last 15 years, a new approach and method of limud Hashas has been nurtured and developed in Eretz Yisroel at Reshet Kollelei Shas Yiden. This phenomenon has captured the imagination and electrified lomdei Hatorah throughout the world, and has earned the avid support of Gedolim across the Torah spectrum. 
Shas Yiden in UK & USA
Shas Yiden not only grew from 6 avreichim metzuyonim to 122 avreichim geonim in five kollelim across Eretz Yisroel but, in response to repeated requests from abroad, a Shas Yiden kollel was first established in the UK, in Stamford Hill, London. The Shas Yiden reputation soared in this location and their first Annual Siyum Hashas with Gedolei Torah in attendance reflected the grandeur of those in Yerushalayim.

A man threw a Molotov cocktail at the Israeli embassy in the Romanian capital Bucharest on Monday, the Foreign Ministry in Yerushalayim said.
There were no injuries or damage from the attack and the 34-year-old suspect, apparently of Syrian origin, was immediately arrested.
According to the Foreign Ministry, the suspect approached the embassy and pulled out the firebomb, hurling it at the door leading into the lobby while he was undergoing a security inspection.
Israeli legations around the world have been on high alert since the Hamas-led invasion of Oct. 7.

U.S. President Joe Biden’s portrayal of Israel’s proposal to Hamas was inaccurate, Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday.
“I am not willing to stop the war. I will not describe the details of the deal, but what the president of the United States described is not accurate,” Netanyahu said during a closed-door session, the Kan News public broadcaster reported.
“We can stop the fighting for 42 days in order to return hostages, but we will not give up on total victory,” he was said to have told lawmakers.
The premier also said that Biden omitted “other details” during his Friday address on the ongoing talks with the Hamas terrorist group.

The Maldives government will ban all those with Israeli passports from entering the country, a move that comes in the wake of national public outrage over Israel’s continued military assault of the Gaza Strip.
The Maldives, a majority Muslim nation located in the Indian Ocean, is known for its luxury resorts and drew tens of thousands of Israelis there last year. On Sunday, the office of president Mohamed Muizzu announced that in addition to amending laws to bar Israeli passport-holders from entry, it would also appoint a special envoy to help fundraise for Palestinians and assess aid needs.

Over the last 15 years, a new approach and method of limud Hashas has been nurtured and developed in Eretz Yisroel at Reshet Kollelei Shas Yiden. This phenomenon has captured the imagination and electrified lomdei Hatorah throughout the world, and has earned the avid support of Gedolim across the Torah spectrum.  Shas Yiden in UK & USA Shas Yiden not only grew from 6 avreichim metzuyonim to 122 avreichim geonim in five kollelim across Eretz Yisroel but, in response to repeated requests from abroad, a Shas Yiden kollel was first established in the UK, in Stamford Hill, London. The Shas Yiden reputation soared in this location and their first Annual Siyum Hashas with Gedolei Torah in attendance reflected the grandeur of those in Yerushalayim.

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Joe Biden should campaign on former President Trump’s guilty verdict in the New York business records case.
Guest host Kasie Hunt said, “Should President Biden be leaning more into this message of Donald Trump being a convicted felon?”
Schiff said, “I think for the president, there’s a time and a place for each argument. I think on the day of the conviction that day thereafter, I can understand the president staying above the fray and demonstrating his respect and expressing his respect for the jury system. But I think the president should be leaning into this going forward.”

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad officially entered the race for the presidential election on Sunday, days after revealing his plans to seek the presidency once more following the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.
Ahmadinejad’s candidacy challenges Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who he had openly defied during his time in office. Authorities blocked Ahmadinejad’s attempt to run in the 2021 election.
Ahmadinejad, now 67, served as Iran’s President from 2005 to 2013 and currently holds a position on Khamenei’s advisory board.
In 2013, Ahmadinejad declared that his proudest moment as President was denying the Holocaust.

JERUSALEM (VINnews) — An IDF officer in the charedi Netzach Yehuda bat

The Supreme Court on Thursday gave homeowners another chance to force Bank of America and other large banks to pay interest on mortgage escrow accounts. The court unanimously threw out an appeals court ruling in favor of Bank of America, which has refused to pay interest on money it collects to pay borrowers’ insurance and property tax bills. New York requires banks to pay at 2% interest on escrowed funds. Thirteen other states have similar laws: California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and Wisconsin.

Claudia Sheinbaum is on track to become Mexico’s first female president, according to exit polls from Sunday’s election.
Polling data from the Enkoll firm indicates that Sheinbaum, the candidate from the ruling party, secured about 58 percent of the vote. Her main competitor, Xochitl Galvez, garnered around 29 percent.
The lone male contender, centrist Jorge Alvarez Maynez, received approximately 11 percent of the vote, according to the same source.
Sheinbaum’s victory would make her not only the first female president of Mexico but also its first Jewish president.
Previously, Sheinbaum was Mexico City’s first Jewish Mayor, a position she held from 2018 until she stepped down last June to pursue leadership within the ruling party.
