Special command set up to protect against virus disinformation disrupting vote, separate polling stations set up for quarantined; public urged to vote without fear
PM tells supporters latest data shows Likud and its allies at 59.7 of required 61 seats; petition accuses him of violating campaign laws by disclosing survey results
Joint List leader believes another seat, from Jewish votes, is within reach, but to get there he has to step around the elephant in the room: the anti-Zionist Balad party
In recording obtained by Channel 12, rabbi who recorded Israel Bachar and second man repeatedly address 'Mr. Prime Minister,' as they appear to discuss publicizing the comments
Activist from Netanyahu's party to be indicted, pending a hearing, on suspicion of putting 56 forged slips into box, preparing 230 more during April 2019 elections
Centrist party accuses Netanyahu of planning to ‘disrupt election day’ by spreading misinformation on the virus; Likud: There’ll be a vaccine before Gantz forms a government
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