Major League Baseball refuses to allow players on 40-man rosters to participate in the six-nation tournament in Japan, in which Israel is participating

Host Japan will kick off the tournament with match against the Dominican Republic at Fukushima on July 28

As the Jewish state qualifies for its 1st Olympic baseball competition since 1976, Jeremy Bleich, a grandson of Holocaust survivors, gets Israeli citizenship to join the squad

Itay Shanny overcomes several higher-ranked opponents in final qualification event in Paris; 'Reaching this point is unreal,' he says

Swimmer Clara Basiana claimed 'Israel’s international presence is another strategy for whitewashing genocide and violations of human rights against Palestinian people'

Uniforms for the opening ceremony, designed by Castro, include printed T-shirts, chinos and a transparent nylon jacket

Israel's best Olympic hope keeps pace with Russian Averina wundertwins, who had skipped previous competitions due to COVID-19

Sarah Gamal, 32, of Egypt says she hasn't heard 'one negative comment or faced any obstacles to me being a veiled woman' since she started refereeing

Organizers insist Games can be held safely, pointing to other sporting events going ahead in country, but polls show most Japanese favor postponement or cancellation

Unprecedented decision will make this summer's delayed Tokyo games the first-ever held without overseas spectators
