Hillel's Campus Climate Initiative assesses Jewish life at participating schools; whether kosher food is available, Jewish holidays accommodated, and if bigotry is tolerated

15% of respondents say they 'felt the need to hide' their Jewish identity; 6% say they felt unwelcome in a campus organization because they were Jewish

Conference sparked by synagogue shooting looks beyond 2018 attack to hash out 'deliverables' aimed at combatting wide array of threats facing various communities

Running from Oct. 18-20, the in-person global confab has speakers including Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, and former president Bush

Harris's staff reaches out to DMFI, ADL and pro-Israel congressman, insisting that her commitment to Israel is 'unwavering' after she didn't push back against university student

Watchdog issued call after TV host promoted 'Great Replacement,' a white supremacist theory falsely claiming Jews orchestrating replacement of white people with nonwhite immigrants

Harassment and bigotry is common among Americans who play multiplayer games in general; only 7% of Jewish teens say they were harassed over their identity

Beth El in St. Louis Park moves Shabbat services online after being notified of violent threat it received via ADL online incidence-report system; 32 headstones knocked down nearby

Jason Greenblatt admits his organization mishandled its response to proposed Cordoba House, warns against rising Islamophobia

Anti-Jewish incidents fell from 953 in 2019 to 676 last year, largely attributed to reduction in Jewish street life and in-person gatherings at synagogues during pandemic
