State Department says it will continue contact with Israeli, Palestinian officials to deescalate tensions after 185 injured in police crackdown on Muslim rioting at Al-Aqsa

Authorities say protesters hurled rocks and launched fireworks at police, hours after massive unrest at Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque

Some 50,000 worshipers pray at flashpoint compound hours after clashes as international parties urge calm and condemn fighting

Officers enter flashpoint holy site after morning Ramadan prayers as worshipers throw stones at Western Wall; at least 7 reported injured

President calls for calm on Temple Mount, stresses that Israel maintains religious status quo at holy site; adds that comments by Ayman Odeh about police were 'stomach turning'

Gaza terror group orders a 'general mobilization,' tells Palestinians to 'go out in the hundreds of thousands' to pray at Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem on Friday

Over 100,000 worshipers expected to pray at Temple Mount as additional troops deploy across city amid concerns of escalating tensions

Recent terror wave briefly raised prospect that policy would be kept stringent; no change in policy towards Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip

Rioting far less widespread than last year, police manage to contain situation without scattering thousands of revelers, as holy month kicks off against backdrop of terror wave

Police deploy across Jerusalem, IDF sends 12 extra battalions to West Bank amid wave of terror attacks over last two weeks
