Public Security Minister Barlev calls for civilians to volunteer for security patrols; ministers to discuss Ramadan restrictions at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Public Security Minister Omer Barlev says police 'scrupulously maintain' regulations at flashpoint holy site, under which Jews are banned from worshiping

After judge rules for man who prayed in whisper at Jerusalem holy site, Omer Barlev says existing religious arrangements must be maintained 'in view of the security implications'

Israeli court was not ruling on legality of Jewish prayer, which is outlawed, but lifted a ban police had imposed on worshiper; cops appeal; Palestinians, Jordan lead objections

Individuals briefly detained by police, escorted off holy site for displaying flag; Ra'am's religious council says 'status quo' violations at flashpoint site can lead to conflict

Attacker dies of his wounds, officer hit by ricochet, lightly injured amid heightened tensions; clashes reported in West Bank, but Temple Mount prayers pass peacefully

Body found during work on Ammunition Hill, site of major battle in Six Day War, reinterred after Jordanian ceremony on Temple Mount, reflecting warmer ties with Amman

National team's Moanes Dabour was booed by fans Saturday over a post he wrote on Jerusalem tensions during May's unrest in the capital

Media and Jewish activists say police increasingly turn blind eye to practice, which Muslim leaders slam as violation of decades-old status quo at holy site

Despite anger over Jewish visits to the Temple Mount on Tisha B'Av, prayers take place peacefully; Bennett conveys his blessings to Israel's Muslim and Druze populations
