Weeks after being Netanyahu's guest at PM's UN address, Rush Hour director seeking comeback from sexual misconduct allegations shows off passbook Israel issues to new immigrants

Though experts believe economics are more likely to drive an exodus than ideology, services offering emigration assistance say calls increased manyfold as legislation has advanced

Olim are deeply passionate people, according to matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom of Netflix’s Jewish Matchmaking. This is why many Olim find love while immigrating with the help of Nefesh B’Nefesh.

Moving to a new country has enough challenges without the language barrier. An intensive online Hebrew course gives Olim the tools they need to converse with confidence.

Internal document leaked from meeting in Netanyahu’s office reveals Jewish state’s concerns about Russian leader’s growing 'weakness' and its impact on Ukraine, Iran

Hyper-focused professional masterclasses help Olim integrate into the Israeli high-tech job market.

Antisemitism and the dwindling of European Jewry are eroding the hopes of some devoted activists to raise families in the communities they run

An organization that helps build communities of newcomers from former Soviet countries has adapted the Jewish holiday's all-night study tradition

Arrivals from Russia said to account for three-quarters of total 18,610, with sharp drop in arrivals from US, UK, France and South Africa

Medical professionals thinking about making aliyah? There’s still time to register for A Taste of MedEx (March 19 & 20, 2023 in Teaneck, NJ) - register now
