Likud's new justice minister tells Matti Friedman in The New York Times that despite ultra-Orthodox opposition, he is shifting LGBT rights from being only a left-wing issue

New justice minister is Likud lawmaker who headed committee that wrote nation-state law, supports PM immunity legislation

Amir Ohana, appointed justice minister Wednesday, says he hopes protests against him don't overshadow wider message of struggle for equality by LGBT community

The presence of Amir Ohana, Israel's first openly gay cabinet minister, at annual parade in conservative capital may be a milestone, but does not mark a transformation

At least 17 people arrested; some 2,500 police deployed to secure event; crowd smaller than in years past

Ultra-Orthodox UTJ party reportedly vows to oppose Amir Ohana staying on as justice minister since he will be obliged to promote LGBT-friendly reforms

After dissenting statements came from within URWP calling dibs on Education Ministry, party co-leaders slam those who would 'divide' religious Zionism

With only one of their preferred jobs still available, URWP leaders issue anonymous remarks calling dibs on Education Ministry

First openly gay MK in a right-wing party replaces Ayelet Shaked in ministerial reshuffle; Smotrich, passed over, accuses Nenanyahu of slighting religions Zionists

PM -- unable to keep portfolio while facing corruption indictments, pending a hearing, in 3 cases -- reportedly mulls tapping fellow party member for role
