2 votes of no-confidence in government knocked back; legislation on Norwegian law, budget extension passes first readings as lawmakers spar for 15 hours

Court reluctantly throws out Hefetz's claim, saying then-minister's violation of Netanyahu corruption trial gag order using parliamentary immunity was 'clear abuse of power'

Outgoing PM skips traditional photo of handover with successor, tells opposition bloc he'll topple new government based on 'fraud, hate and power-seeking'

Arab Israeli leaders reportedly upset by plan, which would see police bolstered in Jewish-Arab cities and agents monitor social media

Justice Ministry says an appeal was filed against closure of initial investigation into October 2015 incident in which Palestinian was shot dead after stabbing an Israeli teen

Amir Ohana berates Kobi Shabtai over 'outrageous' equivalence between Jewish and Arab assailants in mixed-city violence; First 116 indictments said to have all been against Arabs

Synagogues torched in widescale Arab riots described by city's mayor as 'Kristallnacht' and 'civil war'; 3 Jewish suspects remanded over fatal shooting Monday of Arab man

Itamar Ben Gvir reportedly tells PMO he will remove table, awning under deal for increased law enforcement near homes claimed by right-wing Jews in tense East J'lem neighborhood

Assessment prepared before crush in which 45 died highlighted overcrowding at Toldot Aharon compound; police said to fear some ultra-Orthodox sects now removing evidence

Reports say police document prepared before event specifically warned of danger at the site of the deadly crush that killed 45 and wounded dozens
