Organizers in Shuafat refugee camp say increased police activity part of 'policy of harassment' following spate of terror attacks; Issawiya, Jabel Mukaber, Anata residents to join

Clashes erupt as officers detain relatives and acquaintances of Udai Tamimi, accused of killing Sgt. Noa Lazar in shooting attack in Shuafat earlier this month

37-year-old from Anata had allegedly hidden knife in Jerusalem's Old City to use in attack; district commander awards citations to officers for foiling recent attempted assaults

Child from Anata is taken by Red Crescent ambulance to checkpoint, transferred to Magen David Adom emergency service, as both teams try but fail to save his life

Hospital says injuries sustained by Rafif Qara'een a week and a half ago when a round struck her head were too serious; police reported to say shot fired from Palestinian town

Highway connecting Palestinian villages north of Ma'ale Adumim will allow Jewish travelers to reach settlement from Jerusalem without 'friction' with Arab neighbors, minister says