Mayor of French capital latest of European and US leaders to condemn PA president for saying Jews were killed by Nazis due to role as moneylenders

'It will be a way of achieving justice for her,' says mayor following rally by some 20,000 people against ruling by France’s highest court not to prosecute Jewish woman's killer

20,000-strong Paris protest a rare show of raw emotion from local Jewish community over government's response to antisemitism

Death of Edgard Tupet-Thome leaves just three people still alive out of 1,038 decorated with highest bravery order by Charles de Gaulle

'The families wanted these plaques to be in a square, a place alive with laughter and swings,' Paris mayor says at dedication; Toulouse to debate its own tribute

Firefighters manage to tamp down flames before main structure of 850-year-old church engulfed; international fundraising drive to rehabilitate building to begin Tuesday