Vandalism comes as Alexander De Croo faces series of criticisms, including from hardline Flemish Nationalists, over allegedly undemocratic nature of anti-COVID restrictions

'Uighurs 2021=Jews 1941' and 'Uighur lives matter' scrawled on wall etched with the names of tens of thousands of French victims of the Holocaust

Suspect reportedly brings a canister of gasoline to the house of worship as well

Incident takes place in northern town of Larissa, male suspect holding up a sign with Christian religious symbols flees scene before he could be caught

French interior minister laments 'foul Nazi swastikas in the middle of Paris,' as Georgian-born suspect held for property damage

Police launch investigation into anti-Semitic vandalism, as Germany marks one year since 2 were killed in shooting rampage by neo-Nazi

One message at former concentration camp warns Jewish Ukrainian leaders, including country's president, that 'the sale of Ukrainian land will quickly lead you to the Holocaust'

Beth Hillel Temple, which is closed due to pandemic, is vandalized amid demonstrations against police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin

Suspect allegedly attacked Jewish community head in city of Graz, defaced its lone synagogue, committed 5 more crimes

Vandals deface lone Jewish house of worship in city of Graz; head of community blames 'anti-Israel anti-Semitism'
