Lithuanian parliament nearly doubles money already set aside for claims in country where 90% of Jews were killed in the Holocaust; bill not supported by all lawmakers

In speech on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Valdas Rakutis said: 'There was no shortage of Holocaust perpetrators among the Jews themselves'

US ambassador issues rare rebuke of Valdas Rakutis, who chairs parliament's commission on historical memory

Bank of Lithuania unveils coin celebrating 300th anniversary of birth of Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, the 'Vilna Gaon,' who spent his life in Lithuanian capital of Vilnius

History tutor Miquel Puertas, from Spain, criticized state honors conferred on those who helped Nazi regime, among them Jonas Noreika, said to have organized murder of Jews

Efraim Zuroff and Ruta Vanagaite chronicle a partnership and budding friendship as they seek to convince her countrymen to face a genocide perpetrated in part by their forebears

Lawmakers seek to honor Juozas Luksa-Daumantas, accused of participating in the 1941 Lietukis Garage massacre in which locals tortured and beat dozens of Jews to death

Government drafting legislation declaring neither Lithuania nor its leaders participated in genocide. Survivors, historians and remembrance institutions say this is blatantly false

Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Eastern Europe director calls planned legislation an 'outrage' and the 'final stage of a long attempt to whitewash massive complicity' in murders

Jerusalem has come under criticism from historians in recent years for failing to call out state-sponsored revisionism by its allies in Eastern Europe and the Baltics
