Vandalism discovered at graveyard in Dordrecht; Organization of Jewish Communities in the Netherlands files police complaint

Women at demonstration outside US embassy hold up poster showing ultra-Orthodox Jew, man in American flag standing on scarecrow labeled 'terrorism'

Psychiatric evaluation deems Taha Ewis Bakri Abdel Ghani not responsible for his actions when he injured father and son in March rampage

Critics say 'absurd' illustration reinforces anti-Semitic tropes; cartoonist says 'Israel lobby' attacking him unfairly

BNNVara broadcaster apologizes for segment in which man said world is being led by 'money-grubbing Jewry' who 'must be annihilated'

Mierlo military cemetery desecrated for second time in recent weeks as Holland marks 75 anniversary of its liberation from Nazis

Jewish leaders condemn NRC Handelsblad newspaper for running story on author Dimitri Verhulst, without addressing his anti-Semitic comments

Green Left Party, which endorses BDS, distances itself from member; Jewish group calls for apology

Move comes following uptick in anti-Semitic incidents in the Netherlands and after woman was filmed delivering anti-Semitic screed at site

From now on she will be known only as Anne; watchdog group revealed history of anti-Jewish tweets despite claiming her name was homage to Holocaust victim
