Lara Kollab appeals to State Medical Board of Ohio against her being bumped from two programs after scores of bigoted posts she wrote were exposed

Third-division Chemnitzer Football Club give supporters cold shoulder they chanted that club director was a 'Jewish pig'

Soldier employs phrase displayed at Auschwitz death camp to headline section detailing incentives, including time off, available to recruiters

Retail giant takes down items after being contacted by Israel's Channel 12; sellers boasted their ability to allow buyers to 'stand out from the crowd'

On first international day commemorating victims of religious violence, Antonio Guterres points to synagogue shootings, Jewish cemetery vandalism as examples of rising attacks

State Labor Relations representative and local NAACP president Jeffrey Dye claimed Jews 'dividing and conquering' African Americans and suppressing their voices in the media

University says there is no threat to campus safety; officials investigating 'obviously disturbing' incident

US president reportedly says he hasn't heard anyone describe his comments as anti-Semitic; Rivlin speaks with Pelosi to reaffirm bipartisan ties

Ayman Odeh says he doesn't know whether US president's 'anti-Semitic comments' or Netanyahu's silence is more 'repugnant'

Since El Paso shooting, at least 7 men arrested over plans to target Hispanics, Jews and LGBT people
