Blinken says agreement between Washington and Manama, which has frosty ties with Iran, will enable them 'to even better determine or respond to threats as they arise'

US secretary of state says Riyadh has made clear that Palestinian component is critical; says point of deal is to promote peace, not boost any specific current leaders

Biden administration agrees to release five Iranians in exchange for five Americans held by Tehran, waives sanctions on banks moving frozen regime funds from South Korea to Qatar

Democrats argue in letter to Blinken that Israel won't be in compliance with requirements of VWP, since Palestinians are still being discriminated against at Israeli ports

Jake Sullivan says sides have come to 'broad understanding of many of the key elements' of an agreement, but there's no framework or terms ready to be signed

Zelensky accuses Russia of 'deliberate' attack on civilians in Kostiantynivka as Blinken visits Kyiv, where he's expected to announce more US aid

US Secretary of State discusses Iran, Abraham Accords, Palestinian issue with Israeli PM; talks West Bank tensions, efforts to preserve prospects for two-states with PA leader

PA leader calls for immediate American intervention to stop military raids in the West Bank, submits request to Blinken for concessions in possible Saudi-Israel pact

19 groups including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International press Blinken to use COP28 conference as leverage on UAE authorities over jailed Ahmed Mansoor

Network says Ramallah changing tack, seeking to be involved in potential normalization process this time as opposed to boycotting it as it did in the past
