Blinken reportedly tells minister real concessions to Palestinians will be necessary; Riyadh said weighing Chinese bid for nuclear plant in effort to pressure Washington

US Secretary of State stresses value of human rights in call with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry

DC sit-down comes month after Jerusalem agreed to help PA deal with crises to mollify Washington, but never actually followed through; Smotrich blamed for delay

Analysts say that while the hurdles to an agreement between Riyadh and Jerusalem remain high, relations between the kingdom and US have warmed in recent months

US secretary of state says president offering same message in public and private conversations with Israel's leaders; says Israeli democracy 'telling a remarkable story right now'

Over 200,000 people with citizenship of both countries live in Israel; even newborns need separate appointments, which now take around 90 days to get in Israel, down from 360 days

Chairman of US House Foreign Affairs Committee asks Blinken if lawmakers were misled over Rob Malley, who is under investigation over alleged mishandling of classified documents

Ex-envoy will hold title of senior advisor for regional integration and will be tasked with boosting Negev Forum; Saudi normalization file will remain largely with the White House

Lazer Berman on holiday greetings to Palestinian Authority, diplomatic ruckus with Russia & Ukraine; Carrie Keller-Lynn on clues from Netanyahu interview, administrative detention

US National Security Adviser Sullivan said to express frustration to Israeli counterpart Tzachi Hanegbi over Netanyahu's comments on potential new deal with Tehran
