Operations to find survivors two weeks after 7.8 magnitude quake shut down in all provinces apart from two ; death toll rises to 44,377, including those killed in Syria

Facing US pressure, Ramallah suffices with symbolic Security Council statement panning settlements, while Israel will agree to halt some, but not all, activity beyond Green Line

Secretary of State Blinken says Beijing supplying Moscow with arms would 'cause a serious problem' with consequences

PA president briefs secretary of state on Palestinian-backed Security Council measure calling for halt to Israel's activities in West Bank

Latin American countries maintain Jerusalem's 'unilateral measures constitute serious violations of international law and the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council'

Spokesperson echoes frustration voiced earlier by State Department, as administration announces that it opposes draft Security Council resolution that voices similar condemnation

US, which opposes settlements but is also against adjudicating the conflict at the UN, is pushing members to settle for symbolic joint statement to the same effect

Hoping not to have to use its veto, US reportedly urging Ramallah to instead pursue a symbolic joint statement condemning Jerusalem, which it would be willing to support

Statement by foreign ministers of the US, UK, France, Germany and Italy shows extent of their frustration with Netanyahu government

EU, Washington, UN, Arab nations assail cabinet decision to approve illegally built communities, many of which built on Palestinian land
