Ibtisam Mara’ana-Menuhin's Israel TV series tackles the hitherto unspeakable in Arab Israeli society... and her audience is growing

95 Arab Israelis have been killed since the beginning of 2020, the highest annual number in decades; an attempt to pass a wide-ranging anti-violence plan seems to have stalled

Attacks around town of Baqa al-Gharbiya reportedly hit several members of same family, bring number of murders in Arab Israeli community to highest toll in 20 years

Saleem and Nabil Abboud Ashkar discovered music on a second-hand piano; now they're creating generations of classical musicians in their Galilean hometown

The outspoken TV personality did not direct statement at any particular lawmaker, judge explains in ruling

The Joint List could dissolve over Mansour Abbas’s willingness to cooperate with the Israeli right. And it's far from certain that Abbas will be the one Arab voters abandon

Netanyahu urges move as infections remain high among Arab Israelis, saying travel restrictions recommended by Health Ministry only partially implemented

Mansour Abbas, leader of Ra'am faction in Joint List, gives interview to right-wing TV network, sparking accusation from Balad faction that he's effectively quitting the party

Israeli health officials have blamed Arab Israelis entering Palestinian Authority areas for sharp rise in infections; nearly 40% of active infections in Israel now in Arab sector

Knesset again strikes down Joint List legislation proposing official state recognition of responsibility for the 1956 killing of 48 Arab Israelis
