First organized excavation at ruins of Hyrcania sheds light on King Herod's forbidding fortress, where a small 5th-century monastic community waited out the region's regime changes

Well-preserved artifact is found alongside remains, likely of a young woman accompanying a high Hellenic army official on tour of the Holy Land

Defense Ministry unit that uncovered site, which includes several adjacent quarries, says it likely was a 'center for quarrying, production and distribution of stoneware'

Firefighting teams prevent blaze from reaching Tel Gezer, which suffered minor damage in inferno last year; no reports of injuries

Cache of objects found in 1996 near Eilat receives new scrutiny; researchers posit they were used for spells of protection during arduous pilgrimage from Cairo to Mecca and Medina

A new paper from researchers at Tel Aviv University proposes a link between the disappearance of large prey and advancements in hunting and technology

Quest to use multispectral imaging on an ancient inscription on stalactite in remote cave near Ein Gedi has surprising side effect: the discovery of four Roman soldiers' swords

Apparently stolen by Jewish rebels, the incredibly well-preserved weapons are 'an extremely rare find, the likes of which have never been found in Israel'

Channels unearthed in Jerusalem's City of David site last in use around 9th century BCE, likely formed part of city's economy due to location near temple and palace

Antiquities Authority says newly discovered ruins are the longest portion found so far of the Upper-Level Aqueduct, which brought water to the ancient city's ruling elites
