Tiny 12,000-year-old bone hunting flute likely used to attract birds of prey for Natufian settlements in Hula Valley

IAA says coins minted under Antigonus Mattathias II rarest from period; dozens of other ancient coins from Roman to Muslim periods recovered in search of East Jerusalem home

Discovered near Pilgrimage Path, inscribed chalkstone slab that appears to be ossuary maker's accounting record adds to physical evidence of ancient Jerusalem shuk in lower city

Roman-era raw materials likely came from Turkey and were on their way to a southern Holy Land port; archaeologists hope to find wood remains of ship during excavations next week

A year after team announces bombshell discovery of oldest Hebrew writing in Israel to media, find hits peer-reviewed journal. But some academics don't see any inscription at all

Researchers also unearth bullet casings at site of famous Lamed Heh battle in War of Independence, shedding rare light on an incident from which there were no Palmach survivors

Around 900 CE, a complicated plot-and-berm system used industrial waste to build agricultural fields on sand - launching a completely novel way of raising vegetables

Ariel University prof discusses his 'excavation' into the evidence for the practice of the Jewish religion - and points to when we know with certainty that Passover was observed

Items of gold jewelry from an 1,800-year-old burial cave in capital recently made public ahead of Israel Antiquities Authority's 48th Archaeological Congress

Discovered at the Ophel adjacent to the Temple Mount, seven letters on clay jar sherd are written in dialect and script stemming from the Arabian Peninsula, epigrapher suggests
