Motion passes 64 to 44, as lawmakers move one step close to calling new elections mere weeks after previous vote

With the Yisrael Beytenu chief entrenching himself in his positions and only two days left to reach agreement, hope for Netanyahu could come from the ultra-Orthodox parties

Blue and White party leaders say that without current PM and his legal woes, unity government with Likud could be formed 'tomorrow'

PM says he is ‘doing everything possible’ to solve coalition deadlock, accuses Yisrael Beytenu chief of ignoring ‘excellent solutions’

There is 'a lot more to do' in strengthening countries' ties, US president tweets, amid deadlock threatening to send Israel to fresh elections

Israel hurtles toward another national vote in a matter of months as talks between Netanyahu and Liberman fail to yield breakthrough

Israel may be heading to snap elections over the enlistment of a few hundred more ultra-Orthodox recruits, which would do little to address the army's manpower woes

Liberman isn't bluffing. Nobody knows if the ultra-Orthodox are. But Netanyahu desperately wants to avoid another round of voting

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz says his party should be given a chance to form a government if Netanyahu fails

Yisrael Beytenu leader concedes new elections would be unnecessary, but is adamant he can't allow ultra-Orthodox to control matters of religion and state
