Dozens of participants at pro-government demonstration seen wearing stickers proclaiming that Yigal Amir, Baruch Goldstein, Amiram Ben Uliel and Meir Kahane 'were right'

Dan Halutz says internal armed conflict in Israel possible if far-right lawmaker 'tries to implement his horrible ideas'; Eisenkot urges voters to reject 'those who divide'

Along with Kahane's militancy and violent tactics, there was a social, national, religious critique that is surprisingly relevant today, says Shaul Magid, author of a new biography

The PM is courting censure by helping Israel's most extremist faction, and its leader isn't even a reliable ally. But the move could pay off when it's time to build a coalition

Blue and White No. 2 attacks Jewish Home head over deal, later cancelled, with Ben Gvir, who has portrait of 1994 Hebron attack perpetrator in home; Peretz denies supporting killer

Naftali Bennett praised by right, slammed by left over approval in flashpoint West Bank city

Blue and White No. 2 says it's 'an honor' that fans of Hebron massacre perpetrator Baruch Goldstein want him disqualified

PA Foreign Ministry accuses Rafi Peretz and Bezalel Smotrich, slated to appear at award ceremony for Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, of backing terror