Group in Spain to lobby against labeling of settlements products; Palestinian members derided as traitors by demonstrators

All five parties represented in National Council co-sponsor resolution saying anti-Israel boycott movement 'employs anti-Semitic patterns'

Seen by some as marking out Judaism as a race, move cuts funds for colleges that don't tackle discrimination against Jewish students; critics warn it'll chill free speech, backfire

Jewish groups protest recognition of Brigitte Herremans, who claimed pro-Israel lobbyists 'vastly inflate' anti-Semitism in Europe as a distraction from Palestinian issues

Ethics advisory committee adopts nonbinding recommendation, months after undergraduate students at Ivy league school overwhelmingly voted to boycott Israel

Representatives of local governments pull out of business trip, blaming alleged Israeli violations of international law

In election manifesto, Boris Johnson's party says it will stop public bodies from imposing their own 'disinvestment or sanctions campaigns against foreign countries'

Non-binding referendum to ask whether university should divest from companies that profit or engage in Israel’s 'inhumane acts against Palestinians'

Omar Shakir boards plane from Ben Gurion Airport after Supreme Court upheld deportation over alleged BDS support; will continue working from Jordan

US secretary of state advocates engagement with Jerusalem and says proponents of regional peace 'shouldn’t face retribution,' cautions that divisions only cause instability
