Born Issur Danielovitch, Hollywood movie star's Yiddish-speaking Jewish parents came from the Mogilev region

Vitkija holds plaque ceremony for Zenonas Ignatavičius of 12th Lithuanian Auxiliary Police Battalion, whose troops were responsible for killing over 15,000 Jews in October 1941

Protests against a Belarus restaurant have turned violent and anti-Semitic, challenging local Jewish population and the country's authoritarian government

Limmud FSU learning confab opens with video address by Yisroel Goldstein, the rabbi injured in terror shooting in which Lori Gilbert-Kaye was killed

Japan’s consul in Lithuania gave life-saving transit visas to 700 Mir Yeshiva students and more than 2,000 additional Jews against the orders of his superiors

Author Boris Fishman shares real and metaphoric recipes for healing multi-generational trauma and strained relationships as he recalls his family's journey from Belarus to the US
