Political analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discusses Israeli and Palestinian responses to a multiple-fatality shooting as diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman looks at world condemnation

Olivier Vandecasteele, 41, has been detained in an Iranian prison for months and has been on a hunger strike; according to his family, he is suffering from serious health problems

1975 masterpiece 'Jeanne Dielman' takes top honors in highly respected Sight and Sound survey, supplanting Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' and Welles's 'Citizen Kane' for first time

Alleged attacker spent six years in prison, threatened police at station earlier in day before attack but avoided arrest after asking for psychological help

Second cop injured in Brussels attack as force says assailant 'neutralized'; local media says suspect yelled 'Allahu akbar'

9 foreign ministries including France, UK, Germany say they received 'no substantial information' about NGOs that would justify a policy change on funding

Brussels says man has been in 'illegal' detention since February 24 arrest; prisoner swap with Tehran could see release of convicted terrorist

Belgian police arrest civilian suspects who brewed ecstasy around the corner from thermonuclear warheads on American base

Six women have each been sentenced to five years in prison for their ties to jihadist terror group; 16 youngsters to be handed over to youth protection services

Local parliament votes to scrap proposal, keeping Belgium's capital as the only part of the country where ritual slaughter is still legal
