With time running out to sign deal ahead of midnight Monday deadline, Gantz and Ashkenazi said to warn they will pass legislation to prevent indicted person serving as premier
Move comes after president said he'll return mandate to Knesset without tasking anyone if no deal by Monday; petition seeks to take PM out of running due to his corruption charges
Gesher MK reverses previous position of not supporting any candidate, includes herself in PM's bloc of right-wing parties; Meretz MKs accuse her of stealing left-wing votes
Blue and White head blames Netanyahu for stalled talks after deal nearly clinched, says upholding rule of law ‘critically important’ during crisis; Likud dismisses it as 'spin'
A new government was in hand: Likud had won on annexation, Blue and White on judicial reforms; but a last-minute outcry from the PM's rightist flank forced a backtrack
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