He was a hawk who put the needs of the state above his own politics, even when that led him to withdraw from Gaza
Points: 15
Rather than confront Hamas or Hezbollah, the PM battles the press, proving he will stop at nothing to ensure his political survival
Points: 7
It was an explicit plot to foster infighting among conservative and liberal Jews -- an old tactic, and potentially dangerously effective
Points: -4
Raoul Wallenberg bribed, cajoled, persuaded and even threatened German and Hungarian officials to play ball; what happened to him remains unclear
Points: 6
Personal accounts on the pain in being an Ethiopian Jew in the Jewish country they so yearned for
Points: 5
Long ridiculed, Labor is one of the few parties that meet stringent standards on campaign finance and transparency
Points: 14
Everything you wanted to know about Israel's transitional government, but didn't know whom to ask
Points: 30
A 2001 law promised housing and medical care to this group of heroes, but scandalously has never been implemented. Maybe interest sparked by the new TV series will change that
Points: 0
Our new study shows US Jewry is a whole lot less white than you might think and helps ensure everyone is being honored and served
Points: -7
With no constititonal framework to establish how the branches of government work together, Basic Laws are of the people
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