Method, using special technology to image a single molecule, would be breakthrough for pancreatic cancer, which today cannot be identified by any single diagnostic test
Developers say blood test has broader applications as a 'liquid biopsy,' enabling doctors to detect some cancers and providing detailed info on immune system
Ministry said to rule out serology testing in Bnei Brak during study hours and insist parent must be present, though city already obtained permission from guardians
Blood tests for antibodies rolled out for start of academic year; program starts in ultra-Orthodox community which was hit hard by the pandemic and already returned to school
Handheld device gathers data by scanning blood vessels in eye, sends results directly to doctors; is due to leave Earth for International Space Station in October
Study examines alternative to current blood-testing methods, with doctors saying results in minutes, instead of an hour, can be life-saving when time is critical
Official confirms start of program after weeks of delays; residents of hard-hit Bnei Brak to be tested next, before program expands to rest of the country
Pilot program to administer tests to residents of hard-hit Bnei Brak, then expand to rest of the country; thousand of kits expire in July, may go to waste
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