Kfar Saba court orders PM's son to compensate Blue and White activist Dana Cassidy for 'shocking and extreme' statements, which led to harassment by Netanyahu supporters

Veteran environmental campaigner, who slipped into current Knesset under Norwegian law, is in unrealistic 24th spot on list to be released Tuesday

Editor David Horovitz ponders Israel's political log jam & diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman brings us tales from Ukraine's frontlines, plus Rushdie and the nuclear deal

Zionist Spirit leader says 'things have become clearer' as ex-colleague chooses Gantz-led alliance over their former joint home Yamina, in latest blow to party

In interview blitz, defense minister unequivocally refuses to serve in government with Netanyahu, says goal is to present viable alternative

With Yamina's potential collapse, both Likud and the Blue and White-New Hope alliance are competing for undecided right-wing Israelis who aren't thrilled with either bloc

Benny Gantz, Gideon Sa'ar say they hope to establish 'responsible, realistic, secure and liberal' government, denounce Netanyahu but don't expressly rule him out

Gantz, Lapid both said courting ex-IDF chief Eizenkot for spot on slate ahead of elections; United Torah Judaism's Gafni calls new PM; Liberman says he could be premier

Defense minister calls for 'broad unity government' after elections, which Sa'ar predicts will result in renewed gridlock, with neither the ex-PM nor his rivals securing a majority

Blue and White lawmaker, who took a break from voting with the coalition, says his concerns over new transportation prices remain unanswered, in another potential government crisis
