Economic Committee head Michael Biton had vowed to boycott most votes, hobbling razor-thin coalition; Bennett promises to look at agriculture, transport reforms that raised his ire

Blue and White head claims leaks of alleged talks with Netanyahu could be coming from Likud or even from within coalition, so he's pegged as one responsible for bringing down gov't

Days after government brought another rebel MK back into fold, Michael Biton accuses transportation and agriculture ministries of 'hurting the weak'

After failing to bring bill, government now plans public vote on scholarships in bid to shame opposition into supporting troops; Likud chief says better to see coalition fail

Minister calls on fellow lawmakers to not 'amuse themselves' with moves that violate the coalition agreement after Blue and White pledges to bring equality bill to committee debate

Yamina MK Abir Kara seen as most likely to defect, but opposition will need to do a lot more wooing if it has any hopes of retaking power

Coalition pulls its legislation amid efforts to reach compromise with Blue and White; opposition pulls bill calling for investigation of defense minister's past business

Deeper frustrations than pensions underlie Blue and White’s voting strike, as the party joins resigning minister Eli Avidar in feeling that they always give, but rarely get

Yisrael Beytenu member has long been government critic, didn't get expected portfolio; Meretz, Labor said to propose minimum wage hike for ending opposition to IDF pension bill

Gantz's party claims 'breach of coalition obligations' on matters of security; coalition slams defense minister's 'childish behavior,' delays planned votes
