California native Nathan Steuer has parlayed the game he grew up playing at Jewish summer camp into a $100,000 tourney win - and possibly his dream career

New research into the proliferation of senet, an Egyptian game, shows osmosis of dominant culture and local adaptation; game still played today in Sinai

The Tel Aviv Scrabble Club prepares for 13th Israeli Scrabble Open, including players from abroad

In new book, 'The Confidence Men,' author Margalit Fox delves into spiritual trends and psychological mechanisms that enabled brilliant buddies to hoodwink Turkish captors

Before, during and after the Seder, Israelis can celebrate the festival with concerts, workshops, games and tours, now that most pandemic restrictions have been lifted

Game set in 1933 Germany divides players into opposing camps of 'liberals' and 'fascists,' draws ire of Canadian Jewish group

In top-selling product, team of fascists tries to install Nazi dictator in power; Anti-Defamation Commission calls it 'an insult to the memory' of Holocaust victims