Explosive devices fall out from under suspect's shirt after he is challenged by border police on guard outside complex

Qalandiya crossing temporarily closed as sappers destroy bomb in controlled explosion; police praise officers' alertness

Authorities say operation being carried out peacefully, contrary to demolition a year ago that saw 11 officers were injured and six far-right protesters arrested

Suspect, 22, detained at Tomb of the Patriarchs; no injuries in incident

At least 60 said wounded as 10,000 march on Strip's border, with rioting and attacks on Israeli soldiers reported

Lawyer says suspect, a rancher, denies deliberately contaminating cow carcass, wiping out about half the vulture population in the area

Man in his 30s from Galilee village said to have sprayed toxin on cow carcass to keep predators away, leading to deaths of half of local species population

Hours after troops bulldoze their makeshift buildings, settler youths say they've already started rebuilding wildcat community on private Palestinian land

PA health ministry says Omar Awni Younes, critically injured in West Bank incident, succumbed to wounds in Israeli hospital

Palestinian attempts to attack officers at Tapuah Junction south of Nablus, is shot and reportedly seriously injured; no Israelis hurt
