Israel’s Health Ministry updated that over the course of Shabbos, 1,386 people were found to have contracted the Coronavirus. The positive results were among the more than 20,000 Corona tests carried out on Shabbos. The number of patients in serious condition stands at 387. Seven additionally people died due to the virus over Shabbos bringing Israel’s death count to 674 since the beginning of the plague. Israel’s Health Minister Yuli Edelstein announced on Motzei Shabbos, that on Sunday, a proposal will be brought to the government, according to which, Minyanim in shuls will be allowed to have up to 20 people inside and 30 people outside, provided that there can be two meters of space between each person.

The Color Red siren sounded in the southwestern region of Israel on Sunday evening when two rockets were fired by terrorists at Israel. The warning siren sounded in Kfar Maimon, Toshiya, and Kibbutz Alumim, which are all located in the Sedot Hanegev Regional council. Residents reported hearing explosions and the IDF confirmed that the rockets were launched at Israel. As of yet no reports of damage on injuries have been made. Last week, the Military wing of Hamas launched a barrage of rockets at the sea in order to warn Israel against annexing parts of Judea and Samaria. A spokesperson for Hamas told Arab media that “this is a warning and threat against stealing Palestinian lands.” He added that it is the organization’s goal to expel Israel from all of the Palestinian lands.

Following a public outcry, Israel Railways has modified their ticket selling platform to allow for religious Jews to be able to purchase tickets in on Friday, for renewed train service across the country that begins on Monday. With the reopening of the trains in Israel, it was decided to limit the number of passengers on each train to 500 people and to force all passengers to purchase tickets in advance. Passengers had the option of buying tickets as of 48 prior to their departure times. With trains scheduled to renew service on Monday morning, tickets for the entire first day of travel would have gone on sale on Shabbos. Israel has not had train service in the past three months, as trains closed to the public on March 25th.

Channel 13 News aired a clip of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu comparing the actions of the Peleg Yerushalmi group to those of various cults around the world. One of the defining characteristics during the height of the coronavirus pandemic in Israel was the absolute refusal of certain elements within the Chareidi world to follow the instructions of Israel’s Health Ministry which included the prohibition against davening in a minyan. The refusal to adhere to the rules originally began among the extremist groups within the Chareidi world such as the Peleg Yerushalmi, but dragged the entire Chareidi public down with them, leading to a public discourse of hatred against the Chareidi public in the mainstream and social media.

Over the course of the 27-hour enforced lockdown on Israelis during Yom Ha’Atzmaut to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus, police issued 1,091 tickets for countermanding the regulations set forth by the Health Ministry of for people breaking the lockdown. Police advertised where they would be setting up roadblocks across the country to encourage motorists and would-be-party-goers to stay home. Of the 1,091 tickets issued to people for entering into the public sphere against regulations, 137 of them were given to citizens who were in a prohibited area and 122 were given to citizens who were not wearing a mask. According to the new rules that have begun to be enforced, anyone over the age of seven not wearing a mask can be fined for not doing so.

72-years-young and Israel is hitting its highest population numbers ever. According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, as reported by Globes business news website, Israel’s population stands at 9.19 million people on the eve of its 72 Independence Day, which will be celebrated on Tuesday night and Wednesday. The reported growth of the country’s population over the past year was 1.9% or roughly 171,000 new people. During the course of the year, 180,000 babies were born, 32,000 people made Aliyah to Israel and 44,000 people died. The projections of the Central Bureau of Statistics states that Israel should reach 11 million people before 2030 and will hit 15 million before the country’s Centennial birthday in 2048.

Health Ministry Officials have noted a dramatic and worrying rise in the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in the Belz neighborhood of Yerushalayim. 38 people, from different families, have all been confirmed carriers of the virus in the past few days. Charedi journalist Yair Sharki tweeted that: “A lot of people are talking about Meah Shearim and a lot less about what is taking place in Kiryat Belz. This is the neighborhood with the fastest rise in confirmed cases in Yerushalayim in the past five days.” Sharki added that the situation makes a lot of sense when taking into account the behavior of the populace there. “There have been countless reports of people violating safety regulations.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for The Slabodka Yeshiva is called the “Mother of Yeshivos” for a reason.  In the United States, the heads and founders of most of the early Yeshivos in this country were trained by Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel (better known as the Alter) and his students.  Yeshivas Torah VaDaas, Chaim Berlin, Lakewood’s BMG, Chofetz Chaim, Ner Yisroel, Beis Medrash Elyon, Mir – all were headed or founded by students of Slabodka or students of these students. The same is true for many of the Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel – these Yeshivos are daughters or grand-daughters of the mother Yeshiva – Slabodka. But why did the Slabodka Yeshiva originally move to Hevron in 1924 in the first place?

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz Shlita is one of the most prominent Poskim in Eretz Yisroel and is the go to Posaik for several thousand anglos living in Eretz Yisroel.  He is currently in shloshim for his father who had passed away due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  His observations he should inform how we should be proceeding. Rabbosai!I have been davening on my rooftop (being mitztaref to a minyan down below) from where I get to see the goings-on in the area. The matzav is out of control.

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times “Hey, I thought you are keeping the first Zman.” “I am.” “So, you can’t listen to that – if you are keeping the first Zman.” “What?  It’s Yom Tov! You are not allowed to visibly mourn on Yom Tov.  So, I can listen to it.” “Why is that visibly mourning? – Just don’t listen.” The above conversation has taken place hundreds of times in cities throughout the world.   Now during the Corona Shut-in it is less, but we must still ask: What is actually the halacha? The Shulchan Aruch discusses some of the customs of Sefirah in Orech Chaim 493:1.  There, however, he only discusses the issues of getting married and of getting haircuts.  The Mogain Avrohom, however, discusses music and dancing.
