More than 3 million died in famine blamed on Stalin, though historians have debated if it was the result of intentional starvation or incompetence

Addressing Bundestag, president urges legislators to prevent Islamic Republic, which has vowed to destroy Israel, from developing nuclear bomb

Bundestag president lights candle at Knesset memorial ceremony, noting 'historical guilt,' but MK Akunis says he will never forgive Germans for their role

Barbel Bas visits Knesset and Yad Vashem, says Germany's responsibilities to lessons of Holocaust continue to this day; will be special guest at state ceremony

Ukrainian president addresses Bundestag via video, says Europe being destroyed, urges tearing down a new 'wall' that Russia is building between 'freedom and bondage'

Addressing the Bundestag in Berlin on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Mickey Levy says world has a duty to educate the next generation in these horrors

Mickey Levy says his visit to Berlin 'symbolizes the true friendship between... two liberal democracies that share liberal values and a mutual commitment to remember the Holocaust'

Inge Auerbacher joins the likes of Elie Wiesel and Shimon Peres in being invited to speak to the Bundestag, where she will discuss being sent to Theresienstadt as a child

Court says it will not be able to tackle whether domestic intelligence agency can put the Alternative for Germany party under observation, as vote is too close

German lawmaker says the move will send 'a clear signal to our Jewish citizens' after several antisemitic pro-Palestinian rallies in the country
