Kanievsky, a hugely influential leader of the non-Hasidic Lithuanian Haredi community, with hundreds of thousands of followers, collapsed at his home earlier

Threats against Chaim Kanievsky being communicated in phone calls, emails and letters, with some even trying to break into his home; associates say he stands by position

Rabbis Kanievsky and Edelstein lament 'intention to desecrate the sanctity' of the site, call on followers to 'do everything' to prevent 'disgrace in the holy place'

Rabbi Kanievsky declares vaccines ‘from heaven’ and obligatory for teachers, as some Hasidic rebbes also embrace COVID booster shots for their followers

Tune in Sunday through Thursday to hear ToI editors and reporters quickly catch you up on what’s important today

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky is not right-wing on matters of territory, doesn't believe entire Land of Israel must be part of Jewish state, according to spokesman Yaacov Kanievsky

Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, leading figures in the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox community, warn against endangering oneself at Old City holy site, or 'goading' the 'haters'

MK Pindros: 'Not an ideal situation to rely on party that supports terror'; but Gafni hits out at Smotrich, saying his refusal may lead to anti-religious government, 5th elections

Comments from Chaim Kanievsky, 93, come as talk intensifies regarding possibility of right-wing, religious government reliant on outside support from Islamist Ra'am party

Preschools, grades 1-4, 11-12 resume in low-to-medium infection zones after over a month of lockdown, some schools to delay reopening citing lack of time to prepare
