Pilot program to take place in badly hit city ahead of widespread blood tests amid concerns of a second wave of coronavirus infections

Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, who reportedly previously disagreed on matter, tell their Lithuanian sect studies to be held as normally as possible from home

Statement warning government against 'foot dragging' in finding a solution to coronavirus closures of religious institutions comes amid report of unprecedented split among leaders

Bnei Brak-based Kupat Ha'ir organization, associated with Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, tells donors a NIS 3,000 payment will guarantee their family protection from COVID-19

Haredi culture is resilient, cohesive and more self-critical than most outsiders realize, but its strengths became its vulnerabilities in the face of COVID-19

Mobileye founder Amnon Shashua said to hold talks with leading rabbi in ultra-Orthodox city to get support for move, in bid to better gauge spread in hard-hit Tel Aviv suburb

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky says those who don't obey are threat to society; Finance Ministry officials tells Knesset's coronavirus committee that cabinet has discussed closure

Chabad's Rabbi Masoud Tubul, 64, passes away from COVID-19 in Paris; Satmar's Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, 72-year-old head of world's largest Hasidic sect, is diagnosed with virus

Groom said detained at ceremony for 150 people in Beitar Illit settlement; police vow to track down owner of venue that hosted it

Rabbi David Stav calls on his congregations to pray alone; Eliezer Melamed also says staying home preferable, but chief rabbi insists orders haven't changed
