In report described as 'warning light,' ombudsman slams lack of government focus, failure to budget and implement decisions, rising emissions and too-modest targets
In runup to key UN confab, PM adopts call to declare climate change a national security issue, but no decisions taken on key steps such as a climate law, carbon tax
Demonstration organized by Jewish Youth Climate Movement demands the firm cut ties with companies that fund fossil fuel industry; 6 teens also detained during protest
Environmental activists protest oil deal signed by Israeli state company and an Israeli-UAE consortium, as climate demonstrations are held nationwide over weekend
PM's office says he'll lead Israeli delegation to forum of world leaders at the end of the month, alongside Environment Minister Tamar Zandberg and Energy Minister Karine Elharrar
Bennett expected to attend conference of global leaders at the end of the month, along with Environment Minister Tamar Zandberg and Energy Minister Karine Elharrar
In run-up to critical United Nations COP26 talks in Glasgow, worldwide youth protests will urge political leaders to take climate crisis more seriously
In UN speech, Turkish president condemns Jewish state's 'violations' in Jerusalem, calls for 2-state solution; also vows to ratify Paris Agreement on climate change
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