Natan Eshel tells reporters they shouldn't believe PM losing grip on government, as coalition members make threats over state budget disagreements

Party demands more funds for Negev and Galilee, handing plenum wins to opposition; coalition official blasts Ben Gvir: 'Cares more for media coverage than maintaining government'

European officials in Israel expected premier to have more influence over far-right, will meet Wednesday to discuss rising violence, but not all see situation as particularly dire

After reading classified dossier, Gali Baharav-Miara says despite legal difficulties, there's 'urgency' for next chief of staff to enter role at start of 2023

Gali Baharav-Miara says final decision will be made 'without foreign interferences,' after Likud lawmakers call for her ouster

Military legal opinion claims process can continue during caretaker government, sparking Likud threat to discard attorney general if she gives defense minister green light

Netanyahu says comments by Shimrit Meir proof that Lapid will not be able to form a government without being 'blackmailed' by majority-Arab parties, whom he too has courted

Likud leader offers incoming premier four months of quiet, but indicates opposition won't lay down arms in run up to new elections as sides fail to come to terms on defense updates

On his first day, new premier slated to sit down with Shin Bet chief, then hold a meeting on the issue of Hamas captives; in first, PM's office to be headed by woman

Shimrit Meir, who resigned as PM's foreign policy adviser last month, suggests 'everything started to go totally downhill' when Yamina MK Idit Silman defected
