Lawmakers reportedly planning to pass dispersal law as soon as possible, with both sides wanting it done quickly; Liberman rules out cooperating with Netanyahu

Prime minister, who will likely step down next week, tells new Air Force pilots, 'I hand over a strong and secure State of Israel'

Legally questionable maneuver by Labor MK aimed at keeping Orbach from dragging feet to give alternate government a chance; panel will also discuss bill barring Netanyahu as PM

Political correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn updates us as the gov't dissolves; Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman projects forward; and the oldest mosque in the world!

Yamina rebel holds off on convening his House Committee, the next stop of the bill to call new elections; process expected to be completed next week, but unclear when

Amir Yaron, bank's governor, says Israeli system has 'an impressive ability to grow' even amid uncertainty, vows to further rein in inflation

Nir Orbach holds off on convening Knesset House Committee in order to delay legislation to disband parliament; says he's in talks to form right-wing coalition without elections

Political correspondent Tal Schneider on the process of breaking up the coalition and religion reporter Judah Ari Gross on what the ultra-Orthodox parties are saying

Earliest parliament is expected to complete process of disbanding is Monday; opposition MKs rejoice as coalition lawmakers decry 'sad day for democracy'

Gantz insists appointment is 'critical impact on the security of the state'; says he'll consult with everyone who's relevant to the process, including ex-premier Netanyahu
