First responders declare man dead at the scene; cause of accident not immediately clear
Points: 13
Palestinian laborer falls to his death at construction site in Arraba; factory worker electrocuted in Kiryat Gat
Points: 1
Man, 40, reportedly falls along with collapsed scaffolding, with firefighters struggling to extract him
Points: 17
Paramedics declare man dead at construction site in Netivot after he falls some 5 meters and sustains severe head injury
Points: 10
Workers evacuated to Jerusalem hospital in serious and moderate condition, respectively, after two-hour operation
Points: -12
Paramedics find man without vital signs, pronounce him dead after resuscitation efforts fail
Points: -4
Medical personnel declare 40-year-old man dead at the scene after he gets entangled in electrical wires
Points: 4
Firefighters and paramedics extricate people trapped under debris; police say Lahav 433 investigative unit to probe incident
Points: -1
Separate fatalities in Ashkelon and Netanya said to bring to 10 the number of people killed in work accidents since the beginning of the year
Both suffer head injuries and are declared dead at scene; labor minister vows to up supervision in effort to stamp out worksite deaths
Points: 9
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