Hailing Jewish state as ‘an inspiration,’ European leaders say nations will partner on shot production to prepare for future; Kurz: 'The world is looking to Israel with admiration'
Health Ministry employee said to be suspected of helping a vaccine certificate forger; health officials reportedly worried PM's pandemic decisions being made with eye on elections
Immunizations for some 120,000 Palestinians legally employed in Israel will be administered by Israeli healthcare workers at West Bank crossings, industrial zones
US president moves up nationwide vaccination goal by two months; Texas drops masks, opens businesses despite dire warnings; Covax plan for poorer countries ramps up
The Health Ministry has called for non-inoculated staff to be kept away from highest-risk wards; Hadassah has gone a step further, barring contact with all patients
Austrian chancellor says the 2 European countries will work with the Jewish state to produce 'doses of second-generation vaccine for further mutations of the coronavirus'
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