Herd immunity usually achieved when 60%-80% percent of a population inoculated or recovered, but 'escape variants' carry greater risk of virus continuing to circulate

Team suggests reassessing plans to further ease restrictions; new mutation on rise in NYC shares characteristics with South African strain, may curb vaccine effectiveness

Significant number of recent cases contain mutation that could potentially weaken the effectiveness of existing vaccines

Many countries are now weighing their own certification systems, while grappling with moral questions over the prospect of dividing the world along lines of vaccine access

Furloughs and other work cuts push entrepreneurial types to follow their dreams, turning hobbies into businesses

Illegal celebrations dispersed in Jerusalem, Haifa, Beit Shemesh and more; police official: 'We all know repercussions, but some willing to endanger themselves and their families'

Popular philosopher lays out Israeli Jews' foundational religious and secular thinkers, ultra-Orthodoxy's 'optical illusion' and the paradox of Purim

Off the national grid and with conspiracy theories and fears of inoculation running rampant, few have elected to get the shots to protect themselves from COVID-19

Country's largest health provider records surge in serious infections in January-February among unvaccinated, despite inoculation campaign and lockdown

Government said likely to halt public transportation to Jerusalem on Saturday night and Sunday; IDF to shutter crossings with West Bank, Gaza over holiday
