Legislation clears first reading 80-0, sending it to Finance Committee for further mark-up before 2nd and 3rd votes in plenum

Robert O'Brien is the highest-ranking US official to be diagnosed with the virus, which has killed over 146,000 Americans

Officials say that 'all available evidence' indicates the feline likely contracted disease from owners who had been diagnosed with COVID-19

Worldwide case count surpasses 16 million, with nearly 4.23 million in the United States; infections swell in Australia, Hong Kong, Spain

Government will have until September 30 to find another solution and prevent employees from being forced to use vacation days to cover 2-week isolation

Yifat Shasha-Biton, who has reversed several cabinet-imposed restrictions, warns that without a plan to permit shows, Israel 'will not be able to resuscitate' the culture industry

Governments increasingly concerned people will bring COVID-19 home from their summer vacations abroad

Event normally draws around 2.5 million from across the Muslim world, but this year only 1,000-10,000 people residing in the kingdom will be allowed, after testing and isolation

Shot developed by NIH and Moderna to be tried on 30,000 people in coming months, with Israel among countries rooting for its success

Report cites studies showing dirtier air leads to more coronavirus deaths, urges banning diesel vehicles from city centers
