Another death raises toll to 304 as daily diagnoses continue steady rise, government tightens restrictions in hotspots; Palestinians report spike in West Bank cases as well

With each train limited to 500 passengers to prevent crowding amid pandemic, passengers must reserve their place in advance and are encouraged to arrive at stations early

5 months before election, amid crises in health, economy and race relations, most Americans -- including 63% of Republicans -- say the country is heading in the wrong direction

Passengers gather in Panama from several countries; special El Al flight is first direct flight ever from Panama to Israel

PA leader understands his people have no appetite for another intifada, and so is focusing his efforts on the global arena, hoping a dozen EU countries will recognize Palestine

Juan Orlando Hernández improves after being hospitalized with pneumonia and coronavirus; breathing no longer labored, but still suffering fatigue, doctor says

President roiled by ex-aide's tell-all and top court verdict backing Obama-era program for immigrants; also facing pressure over Oklahoma 'superspreader rally'

State politicians had cut chains off Brooklyn park amid lobbying for spaces to reopen as city begins to emerge from pandemic restrictions

Nicosia says visit by Nicos Anastasiades pushed off because of coronavirus concerns, as Cyprus prepares to open tourist season after removing Israel from low-risk group

By listening to voices, an Israeli-Italian app in development aims to help people make clear-headed decisions on when to go for virus testing
