Team of scientists, drawn from 9 institutions, also assesses 800 'super spreaders' responsible for 80% of those infected

Band is cancelling its entire summer tour, and will honor all purchased tickets for concert in year's time

Even as country announces highest daily infections since April 5, government spokesman claims outbreak under control, defends move to lift more restrictions

Foreign Ministry says Jerusalem backs motion pushed by EU and Australia, expected to pass this week at WHO assembly; China has condemned the proposal

Countries carve out a new normal amid coronavirus pandemic as death tolls continue to slow across the continent; some prepare to open borders to tourists

Immunologist Mordechai Gerlic has started testing soldiers' blood, convinced it’s the best way to keep them safe from virus during missions

Death toll remains steady at 272; Health Ministry says no new cases on Monday morning with testing rates low, but 4 infections discovered overnight

Governor says guidance will be released this week and services would be limited in size, require social distancing

Source at municipality reportedly says there was no contact between teacher and infected counselor; school had already shut its doors until May 27

Country leads Africa with 15,515 confirmed infections, 263 deaths; has been under one of world's strictest lockdowns since late March
