Officials report 35 new cases Monday after only single-digit increases for eight of the preceding 12 days, many of them overseas arrivals

Using AI, the remote monitoring system collects patients' data from devices and sensors, alerting medics on progress from afar

Findings could help distinguish coronavirus patients from those with colds or flu, researchers say

Pilot program to take place in badly hit city ahead of widespread blood tests amid concerns of a second wave of coronavirus infections

For the first time, I am not the odd woman out; I am not that coworker who lives on the other side of the Atlantic and can’t attend meetings in-person

Officials express concern that social distancing measures and lack of visits could cause psychological hardships

Lubica Grenco was born when World War I began, then she survived the flu, which killed her mother and 1-month-old sister, before enduring the Great Depression and World War II

Finance minister reportedly conditions aid package on airline carrying out far reaching cost cutting reforms; if owners reject terms, national carrier likely to be broken up

David Kaufman of Temple B’nai Jeshurun tells US vice president that risks are too high to reopen as coronavirus cases continue to rise in his area

Anti-Defamation league says article about Defense Ministry's work during coronavirus pandemic uses 'sensationalist, degrading and demonizing language'
