Many locked down residents find spots to practice or breathe fresh air without leaving their building, and with stunning views

As lockdown restrictions are eased, squads are permitted to train with all players on the field and no social distancing; first games at end of the month

Total number of cases rises to 16,458; death toll rises to 248 day after first 24-hour period with no fatalities since late March

Transportation Ministry blamed for congestion after IDF cancels internal shuttle system; military says move was coordinated with Defense Ministry

The problem solvers should emerge from every domain and every sector of the economy and they should contribute to the reconstruction of the country

Looking to boost business in hard-hit Red Sea resort city, Ice Mall says it will cover the ticket cost for anyone who spends over NIS 1,000

Ministry official says aid is preferred option, but banks reportedly view loans to airline, which has seen devastating losses compounding existing issues, as too risky

Conservative columnist Bethany Mandel speaks about homeschooling, while 'Call Your Mother' podcaster Jordana Horn counts the days till school comes back

After almost 2 months, daycares and kindergartens reopen with social distancing, but class size limits and lingering compensation issues mean thousands are remaining behind

As Jewish communities around the US remain in social isolation, potential Jews by choice are forced to tread water -- or redefine the traditional ritual bath
