Cheerful Renee Abitbul honored at annual torch-lighting ceremony for her 18 years of volunteer work in Jerusalem hospital; urges others to follow her example
Sandringham Gardens residence for the elderly, locked down early, is COVID-19 free; 'this miraculous little minyan' is now caring for younger people's spiritual needs worldwide
Activists peddle conspiracy theories, then alter them as scope of pandemic changes; Bill Gates falsely accused of wanting to inject microchips into people
With gatherings banned due to curfew confining Israelis to their homes, the most visible public display will be an air force flyover of hospitals and medical centers
Beth Shalom struggles to contain the spread and to answer questions if it could have acted sooner, or done more to save the lives of 26 residents who succumbed to the virus
Organizers are faced with dilemma between thousands of kids missing out on summer highlight and losing a key community building tool, or potentially helping spread the disease
Group that provides traditional Jewish burial for those who can't afford expenses performs 134 funerals in last month; call for prayer shawls answered from as far away as Florida
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