Measure to be in place for 2 weeks, not applied retroactively; foreigners given 3-day reprieve, then will be allowed in only if they can show they have way to isolate for 14 days
March of the Living president Phyllis Greenberg Heideman says decision to delay annual event is particularly painful coming in the 75th year since Auschwitz liberation
Finance Ministry said to estimate that requirement could cost economy NIS 4.9 billion a month; unemployment benefits granted to tour guides, laid-off workers in tourism industry
Any soldier coming home must stay away from their unit for 2 weeks; IDF setting up its own hospital for infected troops, preparing to help nation cope if crisis worsens
After Education Ministry announces entire facility isolated, Max Rayne Hand in Hand School in Jerusalem clarifies only those who visited Bethlehem in past week self-quarantined
Orthodox televangelist under quarantine blames COVID-19 on 'the fact that non-Jews eat' everything, while another rabbi links it to the coming of the messiah
Health Ministry calls on anyone who was at the same places as the patient during the times he was there to self-quarantine; tally in Israel jumps to 42 cases
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